New Year’s Eve at BZC

Y’all come to BZC’s annual contemplative New Year’s Eve celebration!

New Year’s Eve celebration begins at 8:00pm in person and online. Given our physical zendo capacity, the in person program is open to BZC community only. All attending must showing proof of Covid-19 vaccination and booster if not on existing list for this. Zoom participation is open to all. Come and go or stay for the duration as we sit and walk (zazen and kinhin) and listen as a ceremonial bell is rung 108 times. The night ends shortly after midnight with chanting the Heart Sutra. Then, those in person come together in the courtyard for hot cider, tea, and cookies beside a bonfire. Those online may greet one another.

We will release into the fire memorial cards from the year for those who have passed. Participants are invited to release traces of the last year and offer wishes for the year to