Ethics Guidelines

Ethics Guidelines for Berkeley Zen Center
Adopted October 6, 2017 by the BZC Board and updated regularly

“To avoid all harm, to cultivate good, and to purify the mind. This is the teaching of the Buddhas.”
—The Dhammapada

The intimacy of Zen practice, teachers and students, dharma friend and dharma friend, is a source of great joy in the Berkeley Zen Center sangha. The Bodhisattva Precepts serve as our guide along the path of right speech, right conduct, and relationships. Practice is based on trust, safety, respect, and true communication. The sangha jewel is formed of such relationships. We offer the following to nurture an atmosphere where people can practice without fear or distraction, where dharma comes first.

We acknowledge that difficulties may arise among members related to power differentials. Differences of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and physical disability require particular awareness and sensitivity. The attached document provides the broad principles for how this sangha integrates the precepts in coping with conflicts and ethical issues.

Ethics Guidelines for Berkeley Zen Center  provides more detailed and specific guidance.  
