Welcome to BZC

Beginning on October 12, Visiting-Teachers-In-Residence Greg Fain and Linda Galijan will lead our fall Aspects of Practice period with the theme “Ordinary Bodhisattvas: The Brahmaviharas in Action.” This theme will be studied at Thursday evening classes as well as in Saturday dharma talks and Way-Seeking Mind talks. Aspects opens and closes with one-day sittings on October 12 and November 9.  Most programs will be in hybrid format (the Way-Seeking Mind talks will be online only, and the Work Day will be in person only); see the link below for a full calendar of Aspects activities.  Please consider your schedule and responsibilities and participate as fully as you can.
Register for Aspects:   https://forms.gle/UzQvLat5yBCyP9659
Register for the opening one-day sitting on October 12 (details below):   https://forms.gle/bbjS1911BZCe8h8GA
Register for the Thursday evening class (details below):
Please register separately for Aspects itself, the one-day sittings, and the class. There’s no fee for the practice period overall – only for the sittings and the class.

We look forward to practicing with you!
Aspects of Practice Thursday Evening Class
The fall practice period class “Ordinary Bodhisattvas: The Brahmaviharas in Action” will begin on Thursday October 17 and be held for 4 consecutive weeks, from 7:17-8:45p. We will study the Four Heavenly Abodes, or Four Faces of Love – Loving-kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity. The class will be led by Visiting Teachers Linda Galijan and Greg Fain.
The class will be hybrid. In person instruction will meet in the community room, orif more than 15 people are present in person, in the zendo.
Please register to learn more and to receive updates by clicking this link:  
Class fee is $40 for the series (or whatever you can afford).
Questions can be directed to the class coordinator Ryushin at andrea.thach@gmail.com

Upcoming Sittings and Sesshins

Half-day sittings are offered every other month at BZC. The one more 2024 date left on Nov 24.

Berkeley Zen Center will host a one-day sitting on Saturday, October 12. The schedule begins at 5:00am and ends at 5:30pm. The day initiates Berkeley Zen Center’s six week Aspects of Practice period and will be led by Greg Fain.

To sign up, go to this link: https://forms.gle/bbjS1911BZCe8h8GA

When you complete the registration you will immediately receive a confirmation email from Google Forms.

Berkeley Zen Center asks for a $35 donation for in person attendance and $15 for online attendance. (Or whatever you can afford.)

In person participation is limited to people who sign up for the full day. If you don’t signup, you may still join the lecture online.

Contact Mark Copithorne with questions at copithorne@hotmail.com