Weekly Schedule

We are now open for in-person programs to a limited number of attendees. Masking is optional. 

IF YOU TEST POSITIVE FOR COVID within two days of being here, please notify the coordinator, Carol Paul, at caroljpaul@yahoo.com.

Online programs are either hybrid, in person only, or online only; see details below:

In Person or Hybrid Programs

          Monday – Friday
  • 6:00 – 7:30 am: zazen (bell will sound at 6:40), service, temple cleaning (hybrid)
  • noon – 12:30 pm: informal zazen (in person only)
  • 5:40 – 6:30 pm: zazen and service (separately in person and online)
          Saturday (in person and online)
  • 6:00-6:40 Zazen
  • 6:40-6:50 Kinhin
  • 6:50-7:20 Zazen
  • 7:20-7:40 Service
  • 7:40-8:30 Breakfast
  • 8:30-8:45 Break
  • 8:45-9:30 Work Practice
  • 9:30-10:05 Zazen
  • 10:05-10:15 Kinhin
  • 10:15-11:15 Dharma Talk
  • Followed By Informal Tea

See our Calendar for speaker schedule

Zazen Instruction and Beginner’s Orientation

8:40 – 9:20 am

More info

Wednesday Night Drop-In Study
  • 7:10-7:50 pm  Zazen & Service
  • 8-9 pm Reading and discussion

In person!

Online Only Programs

          In the Online Zendo

Meeting ID: 897 7160 7938
Passcode: 602431

          Daily Zazen
  • Monday – Friday
    • 7:30–8:10 am  – see Calendar for special Monday morning schedule
    • 5:40–6:20 pm (separately in person and online)
  • Chanting for All Who Are Suffering
    Tuesdays, 8:15‒8:45 am (online only)
Saturday Zazen Instruction and Beginner Orientation

Online:  8:40 to 9:20  (in special online meeting room)

Online zazen instruction

Meeting ID: 976 5878 8698
Passcode: zazen

Online Zendo Forms and Etiquette

General Guidelines for Online Practice

  • Please join sittings a few minutes before the scheduled time, so as to be seated and settled in place before the period of zazen begins.
  • It’s less visually distracting to others if you  join the zoom session without video, get settled, and then start your video.
  • The Doan will ring three bells to begin zazen.
  • The Doan will ring one bell to signal the end of zazen.

Traditionally, to help facilitate a calm and settled space so that practitioners can attend to the moment-to-moment unfolding of experience in meditation, there are zendo practices, or forms, agreed upon and practiced with harmony in mind:

Minimize visual distractions

  • If using a desktop computer, create a practice space by clearing or covering work papers. Please be sure to not have pictures or light sources directly in front of the camera.
  • A recommended way to sit is in profile, facing away from the computer screen. This allows participants not to be distracted by the movement of other sangha members, mirroring our formal practice of facing the wall during zazen. Some choose to sit off-camera; that’s also fine.

Before zazen let the body and mind know:

  • Bow towards and away from cushion/chair. This is traditionally done with palms together.
  • Bow out, while seated, at the closing bell. Getting up from sitting, bow to and away from your cushion or seat. End the session.

Dokusan and Practice Discussion

To arrange dokusan with Abbot Hozan Senauke, use his online calendar:  https://calendly.com/asenauke/dokusan  or contact Hannah Meara at hmeara@gmail.com.

One-on-one meetings with BZC Practice Leaders are available on phone, skype, or zoom during sheltering in place.  Please see the Practice Leader page for contact information.

Some thoughts about the function of Practice Discussion/Dokusan from Ryushin Andrea Thach