Check the Calendar for upcoming sittings and multi-day sesshins. Information and a link to register will be posted on the BZC home page several weeks before a sitting or sesshin.
For questions about one-day sittings, contact Mark Copithorne at
For multi-day sesshins, contact Colleen Busch at sesshindirectorcolleen@
Please note: As we continue to exercise caution around COVID transmission and to promote silence and stillness in the zendo, seating during sittings and sesshins is limited to participants and Saturday zazen instruction attendees. Non-participants who wish to attend 9:30 zazen and 10:15 lecture on Saturday or 6AM weekday zazen are encouraged to join this part of the schedule in the online zendo.
Some sits/sesshins offer the option of participating in the full schedule online.
BZC requests a $35/day donation for sits/sesshins ($15/day online). You can make your donation on the Generosity page under Sits/Classes. Please note which sitting/sesshin your donation is for in the note field or email the Office Manager at