We are happy to announce that during our spring practice period we will experiment with a return to the pre-pandemic Saturday schedule, starting at 6:00 a.m. This means we will have oryoki breakfast in the zendo after two periods of zazen and service. After breakfast there will be a short rest period, a work period, another period of zazen, a dharma talk, and then tea and cookies outside.
The oryoki breakfasts will once again provide the opportunity to train cooks, assistant cooks, servers, head servers, and dishwashers (all of whom will sign up on the bulletin board on the CR porch). We are hoping to get back into the rhythm of this important aspect of BZC practice with all of you, both in signing up and attending!
Also, each day of the two practice period sesshins will start at 5:00 a.m. (while still ending at 5:30 p.m.). Both of the above changes are experiments, offering us a way to intensify our practice during the six-week practice period. Watch for more information to come. Meanwhile, please mark your calendars!