Position Changes

With the turning of the year comes the proverbial turning of practice positions. It is no small thing to assume these roles and responsibilities, and to your no-gaining mind we thank all of you for saying YES!

  Peter Overton will assume the co-sesshin director role from Gary Artim, sharing this responsibility with Ken Powelson.

  Mark Copithorne will become our new co-zendo manager for well-being and memorial services. He will share the ZM position with Bruce Coughran, who will be responsible for ceremonies, taking over from Sue Oehser.

  Jed Appelman will tend to the Dokusan Hut, receiving the feather duster from Judy Fleischman, who has helped to maintain that space for our one-on-one talks with Sojun Roshi.

  With Jed’s stepping down as Head Dishwasher, John Lake has stepped up to lead the dishwashing after our oryoki meals.

  John Lake is also taking over the Work Leader position (for sesshins and work days) from Paul Ridgway.

  Troy DuFrene will be assuming Tenzo duties while Kiká Hellein is at Tassajara for the winter practice period.