Grief accompanies every loss, be it recent or remote, sudden or expected. Whether through death, illness, miscarriage , abortion, estrangement or other circumstances of disruption, our lives are impacted immediately and in delayed ways by the separation we experience. Loss and grief, too are a part of these very disorienting and disturbing times of the pandemic, reckoning with racism, climate disaster and threatening divisions in our society.
Jizo Bodhisattva, one of the most revered figures in Japan, is known for his fearless compassion and perseverance in responses to the losses we encounter. His vow is to accompany those on difficult journeys or those who have died to safe passage. He is usually portrayed as a child, whose innocent certainty and lighthearted seriousness are the buoyant qualities of his purposefulness.
In this simple ceremony, we quietly work together to make a small garment or token to dress Jizo on his journey, and write our wishes for our loved one or the circumstance. We will offer these in a simple ceremony we create together.
This year, the ceremony will be conducted by BZC priests Ryushin Andrea Thach and Hannah Meara . It will be conducted on Zoom on Sunday, November 15 from 1-4. We will provide additional instructions to those attending. For those who need materials for making the garment for Jizo materials will be available in advance. Attendance is open to all BZC members, those from the larger community and loved ones. There is no fee for attending, though dana for materials is welcome. If you have questions and if you would like to attend, please message either Andrea ( or Hannah (