One-Day Study Sesshin

Hozan Alan Senauke will lead a daylong study sesshin on Saturday, September 1. We will be studying Dogen’s “Eight Awakenings of Great Beings,” translated by Kaz Tana­hashi. This text was Dogen’s last fascicle, written shortly before his death in 1253.
      The sesshin will go from 5:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will include zazen, oryoki meals, soji, and two study sessions. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board, and materials will be available on the bulletin board shelf several days ahead of time. The fee is $35, and should be paid in advance. Please leave payment in the donation slot (marked “Study Sesshin”) by Wednesday, August 29. For more informa­tion, contact sesshin director Gary Artim: (510) 676-9756 or