Hozan Alan Senauke will lead a daylong study sesshin on Saturday, September 1. We will be studying Dogen’s “Eight Awakenings of Great Beings,” translated by Kaz Tanahashi. This text was Dogen’s last fascicle, written shortly before his death in 1253.
The sesshin will go from 5:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will include zazen, oryoki meals, soji, and two study sessions. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board, and materials will be available on the bulletin board shelf several days ahead of time. The fee is $35, and should be paid in advance. Please leave payment in the donation slot (marked “Study Sesshin”) by Wednesday, August 29. For more information, contact sesshin director Gary Artim: (510) 676-9756 or sesshindirectorbzc@gmail.com.