Over the years, many BZC folks have lent their hands to the twice-monthly offering of dinner at the Men’s Shelter on the 2nd and 4th Fridays from 5:00-8:00 p.m. We don’t just bring the guys food, we bring them a message — that people care about them, that they matter, that we want to support them as they navigate their life’s path. This work does not preclude anything else we might do to address the conditions that contribute to homelessness (which is increasing rapidly on the West Coast due to housing shortages, among other causes).
We have a few people who come regularly, and we need a few more. Now don’t everyone read this and immediately sign up for the next offering! Head cooks Lance Shows (lanceshows@pacbell.net) and Laurie Senauke (lauriesenauke@kushiki.org) keep a short list of willing helpers; email us to add your name to that list. We usually check in with folks starting the Monday before the dinner to find out who is able to come. If we get more than we need, we can let some of the regulars off early. It’s also fine to use the sign-up sheet on the back porch of the community room.
This is love in action, active hope, medicine for despair. Please join us!