Annual Women’s Sitting

Women of all levels of experience with practice are welcome.  The sign-up sheet is now on the bulletin board at BZC for this sitting.  We will have a day of zazen, walking meditation, dharma and discussion:

How do we as women find and express our true selves, standing tall and solid within a tradition that has been male dominant while at the same time appreciate the gifts of the tradition? How do gender dynamics impact our relationships with our teachers?  This is a day devoted to exploring women’s experiences and understanding of the Dharma in the context of the increasing inclusion and impact of women, both lay and ordained, on the practice of Buddhism in American society.  The day will include a lecture and discussion period led by BZC priest Gerry Oliva.

If you cannot make it to BZC to sign in, of if you have not sat a day-long sitting before,  contact Mary Duryee at

A few details:

The fee is $25. (If you are unable to pay the full amount, contact the Mary to arrange a reduced fee.) Leave checks marked “Women’s Sesshin” in the courtyard laundry room mail slot. Checks mailed to BZC must be received by Saturday, March 5.

Lunch is not provided so please bring your own bag lunch.

As always,  please do not wear jewelry, scented body care products or clothes that have been laundered with scented products in the zendo.  Leave all electronic devices and watches behind and enter the silence.


For more information, please contact Mary Duryee, 510-872-0507 or e-mail her at