Aspects of Practice 2015

Aspects of Practice—led by Vice-Abbot Hozan Alan Senauke and BZC senior students—will begin with sesshin on Saturday October 17, and continue through the closing sitting on Saturday November 14. As always, this is an opportunity for new and old students to study and practice together the basics of zazen, forms, and dharma here at BZC. And of course, we will share work, practice discussion, and tea.

This year our classes and lectures will focus on our Chinese ancestors—Soto and Rinzai, men and women—and how their teachings and example remain alive to us so many centuries later. Copies of the texts will be available in advance.

As fall begins, please join us for this opportunity to refresh our timeless practice. All the relevant info and signup sheets will be posted late in September. If you have questions, email Hozan at or leave a note in his box on the porch. See you there.