Judy Fleischman: Me Too, The Dharma Of Friendship

A talk given at Berkeley Zen Center on Monday, July 19th 2021 by Judy Fleischman.


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Judy Fleischman

About Judy Fleischman

Judy (dharma name Seicho Hoju, Essence Harmony / Dharma Jewel) arrived at BZC in 2013 after relocating to the Bay area. She began Zen practice in Portland, Oregon and received lay ordination from Jan Chozen Bays in 2001. She returned to her hometown NYC after 9/11 and practiced at Village Zendo where she received priest ordination from Enkyo O’Hara in 2005 and served as shuso (head student) in 2011.<br /> <br /> <br /> Judy also is a practice leader with Everyday Zen whose guiding teacher is Norman Fischer. Following many years working as a healthcare chaplain, she now serves as a mindfulness educator and stealth chaplain at a private high school in San Francisco. She has held various positions at BZC including Saturday director, Online Programs Manager, and co-facilitator of Jizo ceremony (for loved ones who have died) and the MLK Day program.

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