
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Week of Apr 1st

  • Open Discussion

    Open Discussion

    Mon, Apr 1, 2024

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: open discussion

  • Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Thu, Apr 4, 2024

    Upcoming Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    The Heart Sutra is the most chanted sutra in Mahayana Buddhist temples throughout the world. We chant it at BZC twice daily on weekdays, and on Saturday and Sesshins. Sojun often said all of Buddhism and zen is expressed in this Perfection of Wisdom in 25 lines. Karen Sundheim will be teaching a class to explore this important Mahayana text on Thursday evenings 7:15 - 8:45 pm March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. It will be offered in hybrid format.

    Please register by using this link so that you can receive any study materials:

    Class fee is $40. Questions can be directed to the class coordinator, Ryushin Andrea


  • Founders’ Ceremony

    Founders’ Ceremony

    Fri, Apr 5, 2024

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Charlotte Shoemaker

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Charlotte Shoemaker

    Fri, Apr 5, 2024

    BZC schedules a Way-Seeking Mind Talk on the First Friday afternoon of each month. The talk, followed by Q&A, begins at 5:45pm after five minutes of zazen and runs until 6:25pm. Please note, our First Friday afternoon WSM Talks are online only. The zendo is closed for in person Zazen on the First Friday of the month.


  • Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony

    Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony

    Sat, Apr 6, 2024

    On Saturday, April 6, 10:15‒11:15 a.m., BZC will join Buddhist centers around the world in celebrating the birth of the baby Buddha Page 4 March‒April 2024 BZC Newsletter (traditionally considered to have been in early April). Following a short service and an introductory talk by Hannah Meara in the zendo, we will proceed to the courtyard for a kid-friendly ceremony. After Hannah makes an initial offering of flowers and bathes the baby Buddha with sweet tea, we will chant the Heart Sutra and all adults and children will have a chance to use a ladle to bathe the baby Buddha. Children will also be offered small containers of bubble solution.

    We welcome children and others to come for work period at 7:35 a.m. to help decorate the bower in which the baby Buddha stands.

    Dharma Talk: Hannah Meara

    Dharma Talk: Hannah Meara

    Sat, Apr 6, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15