Be Yourself

A talk given at Berkeley Zen Center on Saturday, August 24th 2024 by Ellen Webb.


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Ellen Webb

About Ellen Webb

Ellen Webb was born and raised in Berkeley and has been a dancer, choreographer and teacher for most of her life. She founded the Ellen Webb Dance Company in New York City in 1979 and continued to choreograph and perform with her company after she moved to the Bay Area in 1984. She lives with her husband in Oakland where they raised their two children. Ellen began her Zen practice with Joko Beck and Diane Rizzeto at the Bay Zen Center in 1992. In 2002 she began practicing at BZC. She received lay ordination from Sojun Roshi in 2010 and was the Shuso in 2018. Her Dharma name is Maiko Kashin, "Dancing Light, Open Heart."

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