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One-Day Sesshin to Open Practice Period

Sat, May 13, 2023

We invite you to join us: Saturday May 13  from 7:50 AM to 5:30 PM. This sesshin will open the Spring Practice Period, and will be led by Hozan Alan Senauke.
1.  Deadline to sign up is Noon on Thursday, May 11.  In-person attendance will be limited to 33 people.  Those who sign up after we reach the 33-person limit will be placed on a waiting list.
2. The sesshin will also be offered online:  (sign up with the same form as above).
3. For in-person sesshin attendees, proof of vaccination and booster shots are required to participate.  Social distancing protocols will be observed and all attendees will be required to wear an N94, KN94 or KN95 mask.
4. Lunch will be served outdoors at tables in the courtyard, using a modified oryoki form.  To purchase a set of oryoki bowls and/or to sign up for an oryoki training class, check our website for a link.
5. We will have a short work period, so please bring work clothes you can change into.
6. Hozan Alan Senauke will offer dokusan both for in-person and online participants.  Practice discussion will also be offered by a senior student, both in-person and online.
7. The sesshin fee is $25 for in-person attendees, and $15 for online participation.  You may pay online, or you can send a check to BZC at:
Berkeley Zen Center
1931 Russell Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Attention:  Office Manager, Helen Cheng
Additional donations may be made at
If you have questions, please contact the Sesshin Director, Rob Lyons at

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