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Practice Period Council

Thu, Jun 10, 2021

Council practice, which has become a valuable tool in Buddhist centers around the country, will be offered during the spring 2021 practice period on two Thursday class evenings—May 20 and June 10.

Council is a process developed by the Quakers, resonant with many indigenous communities, where members gather in a ceremonial circle to speak and be heard deeply. The process is intended to be democratic and confidential. By creating a safe container for all, and by not turning away from pain and conflict, council promotes participation and equality. Council can be used simply to share on the basis of equality, and where there are strong feelings and opinions about controver­sial issues within intentional communities.

Each participant has an opportunity to speak without interruption or cross talk. The point is to listen completely and to speak honestly of our thoughts and feelings.

Over the last few years we have used council as a method of community discourse at BZC. A number of us at BZC have had extensive experience of council in other communities, and see how this can serve the intimacy of sangha and the development of beloved community. We will share more details and materials when the practice period begins, and there will be an opportunity to have some basic training in advance of the class sessions.

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