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Three-Day Sesshin Practice Period Closing

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

If you indicated that you would attend this sesshin on the Practice Period Sign up, then you are already signed up. But if you did not and would like to attend, please sign up now. Please sign up for at least two full days, 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. PDT.
If you would like to have dokusan during sesshin with either Gerry Oliva or Hozan Sensei, please email
If you haven't already paid for sesshin, please do so at the Generosity tab on the bzc website, or send a check to the Office Manager at 1931 Russell Street. When paying for sesshin, please indicate on your check or in the PayPal note field that your donation is related to the June 18-20 Sesshin (send a note to if you are unable to do this). The suggested donation is $15 per day, but you can give more or less, depending on your circumstances.
Here is the June Three Day Sesshin Sign Up Form. Be sure to submit it by Tuesday, June 15 so we can send you materials you need for sesshin on Wednesday, June 16.

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