My Calendar

Week of Sep 7th

  • Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen

    Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen

    Mon, Sep 7, 2020

    The zendo will be open during the usual times for zazen; there will be no way-seeking mind talk.   Safe and enjoyable holiday, everyone!

  • Wednesday Night Drop In - Zazen and Study

    Wednesday Night Drop In - Zazen and Study

    Wed, Sep 9, 2020

    Our longstanding Wednesday night drop in group continues in the Online Zendo!

    7:00: Zazen
    7:30: Reading and discussion

    The group is currently led by BZC Practice Leader Gerry Oliva; join us!

    Meeting ID: 657 798 2914
    Passcode: bzc

  • Group Dokusan with Sojun Roshi

    Group Dokusan with Sojun Roshi

    Thu, Sep 10, 2020

    Sojun-Roshi is offering this open Group Dokusan, with 8-9 students. He will be setting the tone with a short introductory talk, and then invite the questioners. All are welcome to listen in on these Dharma exchanges.

    To join, please enter BZC’s Online Zendo

    Dial-in (audio only): call 408 638 0968
    Meeting ID: 657 798 2914

    More info, email Gary:

  • Lecture: Penelope Thompson

    Lecture: Penelope Thompson

    Sat, Sep 12, 2020

    Saturday Program Link (ie, Online Zendo)
    • 9:45 am: zazen
    • 10:15 am: lecture and discussion
    • We’ll end around 11:15 am

    Dial-in (audio only): call 408 638 0968; enter Meeting ID: 657 798 2914

  • Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Sun, Sep 13, 2020

    "YEBZ" at Berkeley Zen Center invites younger practitioners and beginners to join us in open discussion groups about Zen Buddhism, meditation, and developing a personal practice. Our aim is to cultivate “Kalyana Mitta,” spiritual friendship, to provide members with the opportunity to meet others in their age group and similar situations to support each other in bringing Zen practice more fully into our daily lives.

    The group meets on in the Online Zendo on some Sundays.

    For more information, check out our YEBZ page.

    All-Sangha Meeting with the BZC Board

    All-Sangha Meeting with the BZC Board

    Sun, Sep 13, 2020

    Nominations for the BZC Board

    This special all-sangha meeting (in the Online Zendo) will include nominations for the BZC Board. Each year the sangha affirms three of its six members-at-large for two-year terms to the BZC Board. Board members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Elections take place in October and the new term starts in January 2021. This year, all three of the at-large Board members who will finish their first terms at the end of 2020 are willing to serve another term: Sue Oehser, Linda Hess, and Dean Bradley. BZC members will have the opportunity to affirm them in an online ballot process in October. (The at-large members who are in the middle of their terms are Tom Painter, Gary Artim, and Rondi Saslow. See Board of Directors for all bios.)

    On that ballot, the members will also have the opportunity to affirm the three salaried positions at BZC: abbot, vice abbot, and office manager.

    In the foreseeable future, BZC will have a new abbot. On behalf of the Board, the sangha is invited to affirm Hozan Alan Senauke as the new abbot. This too will be on the ballot.

    If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the Board, please pass their name on to Ed Herzog, Rondi Saslow, or Carol Paul (BZC Nominations and Elections Committee members). We are always interested in potential Board members!

    A great deal of care, time, and commitment has been put into the nominating process to make it as fair and unbiased as possible.

    All BZC members and friends are invited to attend the sangha meeting. Please join us for this important conversation.