My Calendar

Week of Sep 17th

  • New Members Entering Ceremony

    New Members Entering Ceremony

    Mon, Sep 14, 2020

    Join us for our annual Entering Ceremony for new members. If you are a new BZC member, or if you are a member who has never participated in this ceremony and would now like to, please contact Carol Paul (

    Although during this time the sangha cannot meet new members with an in-person bow, BZC wholeheartedly welcomes and looks forward to greeting them in our virtual online zendo at the ceremony.

  • Wednesday Night Drop In - Zazen and Study

    Wednesday Night Drop In - Zazen and Study

    Wed, Sep 16, 2020

    Our longstanding Wednesday night drop in group continues in the Online Zendo!

    7:00: Zazen
    7:30: Reading and discussion

    The group is currently led by BZC Practice Leader Gerry Oliva; join us!

    Meeting ID: 657 798 2914
    Passcode: bzc

  • Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Thu, Sep 17, 2020

    "YEBZ" at Berkeley Zen Center invites younger practitioners and beginners to join us in open discussion groups about Zen Buddhism, meditation, and developing a personal practice. Our aim is to cultivate “Kalyana Mitta,” spiritual friendship, to provide members with the opportunity to meet others in their age group and similar situations to support each other in bringing Zen practice more fully into our daily lives.

    The group meets on in the Online Zendo on Thursdays when there isn't Group Dokusan, from 6:30 to 7:30 (right after evening zazen).

    For more information, check out our YEBZ page.

  • Sesshin on Zoom

    Sesshin on Zoom

    Sat, Sep 19, 2020

    BZC will be offering virtual half-day sesshins from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm (note ending time change) on Saturday, September 19, and on Saturday, October 24. These sesshins will include zazen, kinhin, service, and a dharma talk. Lunch will be on your own.

    Hozan Sensei will lead the September sesshin. Here is the link to sign up:

    September 19 Sesshin Sign Up

    If this will be your first sesshin or if you have questions please contact the co-sesshin director Mary Beth Lamb at

    The suggested sesshin donation is $15, or whatever you can afford. Mail a check to the BZC Office Manager at 1931 Russell St., Berkeley, CA 94703, or pay through the BZC website by going to the Generosity page and clicking the “Sits/Classes” tab. Please consider a donation to Berkeley Zen Center above the suggested fee to help us maintain our practice through the current crisis.

    Lecture: Hozan Alan Senauke

    Lecture: Hozan Alan Senauke

    Sat, Sep 19, 2020

    Saturday Program Link (ie, Online Zendo)
    • 9:45 am: zazen
    • 10:15 am: lecture and discussion
    • We’ll end around 11:15 am

    Dial-in (audio only): call 408 638 0968; enter Meeting ID: 657 798 2914