
2025 BZC Calendar of Events

Weekly Schedule

All Sangha Meeting and Board Nominations

Sun, Sep 15, 2024

Each year we hold an all-sangha meeting in September to introduce new Board nominees. This year there are two openings, and two current Board members are willing to serve a second two-year term: Heather Sarantis and Rob Walker. Heather and Rob have both made significant contributions to the Board, includ­ing long-term projects regarding succession planning (Heather) and leadership retirement planning (Rob).
If you wish to nominate an additional candidate, first ask the potential candidate if they would be willing to serve. If they are, please contact Nominations Committee chair Ellen Webb ( by Sep­tember 1. In that case that candidate will be added to the ballot on an equal footing with Rob and Heather, and the two nominees with the most votes in the October election will be elected.
Our meeting will then focus on a discussion of the results of the Sangha Leadership Survey which many members responded to in early summer. Summary materials will be sent to sangha members in advance, enabling us to reflect together on various possible leadership structures for BZC’s future.
Please join us on Zoom (using the “Enter the zendo now” button on the website) on Sunday, September 15, at 7:00 p.m., so we can hear one another’s ideas, concerns, hopes, and visions.

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