
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Events in March 2024

  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Genpo Senauke

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Genpo Senauke

    Fri, Mar 1, 2024

    BZC schedules a Way-Seeking Mind Talk on the First Friday afternoon of each month. The talk, followed by Q&A, begins at 5:45pm after five minutes of zazen and runs until 6:25pm. Please note, our First Friday afternoon WSM Talks are online only. The zendo is closed for in person Zazen on the First Friday of the month.


  • Dharma Talk: Marie Hopper

    Dharma Talk: Marie Hopper

    Sat, Mar 2, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15
  • Half-day Sitting

    Half-day Sitting

    Sun, Mar 3, 2024

    There will be a Half-Day Sitting on Sunday,
    March 3, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. The suggested
    donation is $10. To sign up, or for further
    information, please contact the director, Gary
    Artim, at
  • Open Discussion

    Open Discussion

    Mon, Mar 4, 2024

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: open discussion

  • Dharma Talk: Ryushin Andrea Thach

    Dharma Talk: Ryushin Andrea Thach

    Sat, Mar 9, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15
  • Jizo Ceremony

    Jizo Ceremony

    Sun, Mar 10, 2024

    BZC’s annual Jizo Ceremony for Those Who Have Died is Sunday, March 10, 1:00‒3:00 p.m.

    The loss of a loved one often opens a well of profound grief. No matter how the loved one dies, whether suddenly or slowly, whether through illness, accident, violence, miscarriage, abortion, or suicide, our sorrow is deep and may be long-lasting. To help families and friends in their process of grief, we will honor our lost loved ones in a ceremony in our Jizo garden.

    Jizo, the Earth Store Bodhisattva, one of the four great bodhisattvas in the Mahayana school, is viewed as a wise and compassionate guide and protector for those who are enduring the loss of a loved one, particularly the loss of a child. Jizo’s vow is to remain in the world until all beings are free from suffering. Jizo also accompanies the dead when they pass out of this world.

    Before the ceremony we will spend time in the community room making a personal memorial token for a lost one, by writing a message or by making a simple necklace, a robe for our garden Jizo statue, or some other offering. Attendees are also invited to bring a picture of their loved one or other personal tokens of remembrance for our altar.

    The ceremony will be led by two BZC priests, Judy Fleischman and Gerry Oliva. There will not be a sign-up sheet. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Fleischman at

  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Pauline Kerschen

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Pauline Kerschen

    Mon, Mar 11, 2024

    There will be a student talk in the online zendo right after a shorter period of zazen:

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: way-seeking mind talk

    What is a "way-seeking mind" talk?  See below.

    Way-Seeking Mind at Berkeley Zen Center

    “Way-Seeking Mind” talks by practitioners at Berkeley Zen Center have been a regular event on Monday mornings for more than thirty years. Each of us came to Zen practice as a seeker, with a spirit of inquiry. Each of us arrives at BZC from our own diverse backgrounds—social, familial, educational, religious, and so on. The idea of our way-seeking mind talks is for students to share how it is that they came to practice. Each person tells his or her own story in a unique way that often blends autobiography, spiritual biography, and the practice questions that each of us is engaged with.

    The talks are by invitation, and last about twenty-five minutes, including time for presentation and short question & answer period. For newer students, this is a chance to meet and hear those we are sitting with. Those invited to talk have been sitting steadily at BZC; for them it is an opportunity to tell their story and be seen and heard. One of the teachers or senior students is available for advice in shaping one's talk, should that be useful.

  • Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Thu, Mar 14, 2024

    Upcoming Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    The Heart Sutra is the most chanted sutra in Mahayana Buddhist temples throughout the world. We chant it at BZC twice daily on weekdays, and on Saturday and Sesshins. Sojun often said all of Buddhism and zen is expressed in this Perfection of Wisdom in 25 lines. Karen Sundheim will be teaching a class to explore this important Mahayana text on Thursday evenings 7:15 - 8:45 pm March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. It will be offered in hybrid format.

    Please register by using this link so that you can receive any study materials:

    Class fee is $40. Questions can be directed to the class coordinator, Ryushin Andrea


  • Dharma Talk: Hannah Meara

    Dharma Talk: Hannah Meara

    Sat, Mar 16, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15
  • Board Meeting

    Board Meeting

    Sun, Mar 17, 2024

  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Lisa Nelbach

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Lisa Nelbach

    Mon, Mar 18, 2024

    There will be a student talk in the online zendo right after a shorter period of zazen:

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: way-seeking mind talk

    What is a "way-seeking mind" talk?  See below.

    Way-Seeking Mind at Berkeley Zen Center

    “Way-Seeking Mind” talks by practitioners at Berkeley Zen Center have been a regular event on Monday mornings for more than thirty years. Each of us came to Zen practice as a seeker, with a spirit of inquiry. Each of us arrives at BZC from our own diverse backgrounds—social, familial, educational, religious, and so on. The idea of our way-seeking mind talks is for students to share how it is that they came to practice. Each person tells his or her own story in a unique way that often blends autobiography, spiritual biography, and the practice questions that each of us is engaged with.

    The talks are by invitation, and last about twenty-five minutes, including time for presentation and short question & answer period. For newer students, this is a chance to meet and hear those we are sitting with. Those invited to talk have been sitting steadily at BZC; for them it is an opportunity to tell their story and be seen and heard. One of the teachers or senior students is available for advice in shaping one's talk, should that be useful.

  • Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Thu, Mar 21, 2024

    Upcoming Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    The Heart Sutra is the most chanted sutra in Mahayana Buddhist temples throughout the world. We chant it at BZC twice daily on weekdays, and on Saturday and Sesshins. Sojun often said all of Buddhism and zen is expressed in this Perfection of Wisdom in 25 lines. Karen Sundheim will be teaching a class to explore this important Mahayana text on Thursday evenings 7:15 - 8:45 pm March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. It will be offered in hybrid format.

    Please register by using this link so that you can receive any study materials:

    Class fee is $40. Questions can be directed to the class coordinator, Ryushin Andrea


  • Bodhisattva Ceremony

    Bodhisattva Ceremony

    Sat, Mar 23, 2024

    Dharma Talk: Susan Marvin

    Dharma Talk: Susan Marvin

    Sat, Mar 23, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15
  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Dan Jackson

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Dan Jackson

    Mon, Mar 25, 2024

    There will be a student talk in the online zendo right after a shorter period of zazen:

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: way-seeking mind talk

    What is a "way-seeking mind" talk?  See below.

    Way-Seeking Mind at Berkeley Zen Center

    “Way-Seeking Mind” talks by practitioners at Berkeley Zen Center have been a regular event on Monday mornings for more than thirty years. Each of us came to Zen practice as a seeker, with a spirit of inquiry. Each of us arrives at BZC from our own diverse backgrounds—social, familial, educational, religious, and so on. The idea of our way-seeking mind talks is for students to share how it is that they came to practice. Each person tells his or her own story in a unique way that often blends autobiography, spiritual biography, and the practice questions that each of us is engaged with.

    The talks are by invitation, and last about twenty-five minutes, including time for presentation and short question & answer period. For newer students, this is a chance to meet and hear those we are sitting with. Those invited to talk have been sitting steadily at BZC; for them it is an opportunity to tell their story and be seen and heard. One of the teachers or senior students is available for advice in shaping one's talk, should that be useful.

  • Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    Thu, Mar 28, 2024

    Upcoming Class on the Heart Sutra taught by Karen Sundheim

    The Heart Sutra is the most chanted sutra in Mahayana Buddhist temples throughout the world. We chant it at BZC twice daily on weekdays, and on Saturday and Sesshins. Sojun often said all of Buddhism and zen is expressed in this Perfection of Wisdom in 25 lines. Karen Sundheim will be teaching a class to explore this important Mahayana text on Thursday evenings 7:15 - 8:45 pm March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. It will be offered in hybrid format.

    Please register by using this link so that you can receive any study materials:

    Class fee is $40. Questions can be directed to the class coordinator, Ryushin Andrea


  • Dharma Talk: Peter Overton

    Dharma Talk: Peter Overton

    Sat, Mar 30, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15
  • Women's Sesshin

    Women's Sesshin

    All day
    Sun, Mar 31, 2024

    There will be a Women’s Sesshin on Sunday, March 31, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The speaker will be Mary Mocine, retired abbot of Clear Water Zendo, and Hannah Meara will be the director. A buffet lunch will be offered.

    Sign-up here:

    A donation of $25 for in-person and $15 for online attendance is requested. For more information, please contact Hannah at