
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Thu, Jan 26, 2023

Introduction to Zen Class with Abbot Hozan

Introduction to Zen Class with Abbot Hozan

Thu, Jan 26, 2023

Introduction to Zen

Hozan will offer a five-week Introduction to Zen class on Thursday evenings at 7:15, from January 12 to February 9. This class will explore the history of Zen by way of five pivotal figures in our tradition: Bodhidharma, Huineng, Tungshan, Dogen, and Suzuki Roshi. Each of these figures has left us a living legacy of Zen practice.

Class materials will be available online and will be sent to the BZC listserve weekly. The main text will be Nelson Foster's classic book, "The Roaring Stream." A pdf of the entire book is  available by downloading from this link:

Up to 30 people can be seated in person in the zendo,. The class will also be video conferenced and is available through the "Enter Zendo Here" button on the BZC home page.

Please register here: (paste into browser)

For further information, contact class coordinator Ryushin Andrea Thach at Suggested donation for the class is $50, or whatever you can afford. (She is away 1/11-1/15)