
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Week of Jan 18th

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Mon, Jan 18, 2021

    Please join us for zazen, service, and reflections to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Here's our tentative schedule:

    7:30 - 8:10 Zazen
    8:10 - 8:20 Memorial service
    8:20 - 8:40 Kinhin/break
    8:40 - 9:00 Hozan short reading and reflection
    9:00 - 9:30 Breakout groups
    9:30 - 9:45 group sharing
    9:50  Closing vows
  • Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Thu, Jan 21, 2021

    "YEBZ" at Berkeley Zen Center invites younger practitioners and beginners to join us in open discussion groups about Zen Buddhism, meditation, and developing a personal practice. Our aim is to cultivate “Kalyana Mitta,” spiritual friendship, to provide members with the opportunity to meet others in their age group and similar situations to support each other in bringing Zen practice more fully into our daily lives.

    Please note that this event uses a different Zoom link than the online zendo. You can join by clicking here (password: bzc).

    For more information, check out our YEBZ page.

  • Lecture: Susan Marvin

    Lecture: Susan Marvin

    Sat, Jan 23, 2021

    Saturday Program Link (ie, Online Zendo)


          • Zendo opens:       8:30 am
          • Zazen:                      8:40 – 9:20
          • Service:                   9:20 – 9:30
          • Kinhin/break       9:30  – 9:40
          • Zazen:                      9:40 – 10:10
          • Lecture:                  10:15 – 11:15


    Meeting ID: 657 798 2914
    Passcode: bzc

    Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Young East Bay Zen Meet Up

    Sat, Jan 23, 2021

    "YEBZ" at Berkeley Zen Center invites younger practitioners and beginners to join us in open discussion groups about Zen Buddhism, meditation, and developing a personal practice. Our aim is to cultivate “Kalyana Mitta,” spiritual friendship, to provide members with the opportunity to meet others in their age group and similar situations to support each other in bringing Zen practice more fully into our daily lives.

    Additionally, we will have "facilitated" discussions with a senior student or longtime practitioner every 4th Saturday, and those will be on various Koans from The Hidden Lamp. This session will be a casual discussion.

    Please note that this event uses a different Zoom link than the online zendo. You can join by clicking here (password: bzc).

    For more information, check out our YEBZ page.