
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Events in November 2024

  • Dharma Talk: Ryushin Andrea Thach

    Dharma Talk: Ryushin Andrea Thach

    Sat, Nov 2, 2024

  • All Sangha Work Day

    All Sangha Work Day

    All day
    Sun, Nov 3, 2024

  • Open Discussion

    Open Discussion

    Mon, Nov 4, 2024

  • Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Wed, Nov 6, 2024

    The Drop-in Sitting and Study Group meets weekly from 7:10 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. It
    includes a 35-minute period of zazen meditation in the Zendo, followed by an hour of reading and
    discussion, tea and refreshments in the Community Room. The group particularly
    welcomes newcomers to Zen Buddhist practice or folks new to the Berkeley Zen Center. It also provides an
    opportunity for practitioners to sit and study together on an ongoing basis. We meet every Wednesday
    except for the five-day Spring Practice Period sesshin (retreat) in June, the annual seven-day Buddha’s
    Enlightenment sesshin in December and during the two-week interim period during the December
    holidays. We also maintain a Google group to share reading materials we are studying, announce other
    BZC events and issues related to logistics.

    The group is facilitated by a BZC Priest, Ikushin Gerry Oliva.
    Gerry can be contacted at for further information.

  • Aspects Class: Ordinary Bodhisattvas

    Aspects Class: Ordinary Bodhisattvas

    Thu, Nov 7, 2024

    This fall the Berkeley Zen Center sangha is so happy to welcome Visiting-Teachers-In-Residence Greg Fain and Linda Galijan. They will lead our Aspects of Practice period with the theme “Ordinary Bodhisattvas: The Brahmaviharas in Action.” This theme will be studied at  4 Thursday evening classes as well as in Saturday dharma talks and Way-Seeking Mind talks.

    The class will be both in person and online and are open to anyone who would like to attend; we especially encourage those who participate in Aspects of Practice to sign up. Attend on line by clicking on the “Enter Zendo” link on the BZC homepage.

    The class series begins on Thursday, October 17 and runs through November 7 (7:15—8:45).

    Class fee is $40, or whatever you can afford.  Registration form coming soon.

  • One-Day Sitting/Close Aspects

    One-Day Sitting/Close Aspects

    All day
    Sat, Nov 9, 2024

  • Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Wed, Nov 13, 2024

    The Drop-in Sitting and Study Group meets weekly from 7:10 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. It
    includes a 35-minute period of zazen meditation in the Zendo, followed by an hour of reading and
    discussion, tea and refreshments in the Community Room. The group particularly
    welcomes newcomers to Zen Buddhist practice or folks new to the Berkeley Zen Center. It also provides an
    opportunity for practitioners to sit and study together on an ongoing basis. We meet every Wednesday
    except for the five-day Spring Practice Period sesshin (retreat) in June, the annual seven-day Buddha’s
    Enlightenment sesshin in December and during the two-week interim period during the December
    holidays. We also maintain a Google group to share reading materials we are studying, announce other
    BZC events and issues related to logistics.

    The group is facilitated by a BZC Priest, Ikushin Gerry Oliva.
    Gerry can be contacted at for further information.

  • Women's One-Day Sitting

    Women's One-Day Sitting

    Sun, Nov 17, 2024

  • Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Wed, Nov 20, 2024

    The Drop-in Sitting and Study Group meets weekly from 7:10 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. It
    includes a 35-minute period of zazen meditation in the Zendo, followed by an hour of reading and
    discussion, tea and refreshments in the Community Room. The group particularly
    welcomes newcomers to Zen Buddhist practice or folks new to the Berkeley Zen Center. It also provides an
    opportunity for practitioners to sit and study together on an ongoing basis. We meet every Wednesday
    except for the five-day Spring Practice Period sesshin (retreat) in June, the annual seven-day Buddha’s
    Enlightenment sesshin in December and during the two-week interim period during the December
    holidays. We also maintain a Google group to share reading materials we are studying, announce other
    BZC events and issues related to logistics.

    The group is facilitated by a BZC Priest, Ikushin Gerry Oliva.
    Gerry can be contacted at for further information.

  • Half-day Sitting

    Half-day Sitting

    Sun, Nov 24, 2024

  • Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Drop-in Sitting and Study Group

    Wed, Nov 27, 2024

    The Drop-in Sitting and Study Group meets weekly from 7:10 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. It
    includes a 35-minute period of zazen meditation in the Zendo, followed by an hour of reading and
    discussion, tea and refreshments in the Community Room. The group particularly
    welcomes newcomers to Zen Buddhist practice or folks new to the Berkeley Zen Center. It also provides an
    opportunity for practitioners to sit and study together on an ongoing basis. We meet every Wednesday
    except for the five-day Spring Practice Period sesshin (retreat) in June, the annual seven-day Buddha’s
    Enlightenment sesshin in December and during the two-week interim period during the December
    holidays. We also maintain a Google group to share reading materials we are studying, announce other
    BZC events and issues related to logistics.

    The group is facilitated by a BZC Priest, Ikushin Gerry Oliva.
    Gerry can be contacted at for further information.

  • Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen Only

    Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen Only

    Thu, Nov 28, 2024

    Times for informal zazen to be announced.