
2024 BZC Calendar of Events

Weekly Schedule

All-sangha Meeting (via Zoom)

Sun, May 31, 2020

Bi-Monthly All-Sangha Meetings LInk

Dial-in (audio only): call 408 638 0968; enter Meeting ID: 959 6143 3886

Join us for this Sunday Sangha Gathering, led by Sue Oehser and Ryushin Andrea Thach. We invite you to read the writing below, by Nigerian poet Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, which inspired us. Perhaps it will inspire you. What possibilities can you imagine? And to the immediate particulars, you might also comment on what you see as the next steps for our BZC practice as the world around us begins to dance with reopening.

Words from Nigerian poet and activist Dr. Bayo Akomolafe

I am quite confident that even as the oceans boil, and the hurricanes beat violently against our once safe shores, and the air sweats with the heat of impending doom, and our fists protest the denial of climate justice, that there is a path to take that has nothing
to do with victory or defeat: a place we do not yet know the coordinates to; a question we do not yet know how to ask. The point of the departed arrow is not merely to pierce the bullseye and carry the trophy: the point of the arrow is to sing the wind and remake the
world in the brevity of flight. There are things we must do, sayings we must say, thoughts we must think, that look nothing like the images of success that have so thoroughly possessed our visions of justice.

May this new decade be remembered as the decade of the strange path, of the third way, of the broken binary, of the traversal disruption, the kairotic moment, the posthuman movement for emancipation, the gift of disorientation that opened up new
places of power, and of slow limbs. May this decade bring more than just solutions, more than just a future - may it bring words we don't know yet, and temporalities we have not yet inhabited. May we be slower than speed could calculate, and swifter than the pull of the gravity of words can incarcerate. And may we be visited so thoroughly, and met in wild places so overwhelmingly, that we are left undone. Ready for composting. Ready for the impossible.

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