
2024 BZC Calendar of Events

Weekly Schedule

Mon, Jan 16, 2023

Special schedule - no 6 am zazen

Special schedule - no 6 am zazen

Mon, Jan 16, 2023

No usual zendo program at 6:00 am.  See special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day Schedule, which begins at 8:30 am:

Martin Luther King, Jr Neighborhood Engagement

MLK Day Neighborhood Engagement

MLK Day Neighborhood Engagement

Mon, Jan 16, 2023

On Monday, January 16, BZC will commemo­rate the MLK holiday with an 8:30‒11:00 a.m. program of zazen, reflection, and neighbor­hood service.

After a short period of zazen (8:30‒8:45), Hozan will give a brief talk on the legacy and dharma of Dr. King. This will be followed by a period of discussion in which we will have an opportunity to discuss these themes and to explore ways BZC can engage with our neigh­bors on issues of diver­sity and inclusion.

At 10:00 a.m. sangha mem­bers are invited to serve our neighborhood, particularly focusing on the often-neglected east end of our block. We’ll let our neighbors know of our plans, and they will be welcome to join in if they wish. Details of this day’s activities will be shared on the BZC website and listserv.