Welcome to BZC

Message from Abbot Hozan

My recovery continues to be a bumpy road, but still a road to getting home. On April 12 I had a small heart attack during dialysis, and on the following Monday I had angioplasty for a partially blocked artery. This is a procedure I’ve had a couple other times, back in the 20th century.

I am so happy that the sangha will be embarking on another practice period beginning May 4; I would like to join online as I am able. I have complete confidence in the teaching being offered for these next six weeks, and I hope to be home by July 1. I’ve been meeting with sangha leadership for several weeks and will continue to pick up the various threads of our sangha life.


To keep up with the latest developments, visit the “Journal” section at Hozan’s Caring Bridge site: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alanhozans

Upcoming Sittings and Sesshins

There will be a half-day sitting at BZC’s zendo on Sunday, July 7, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We will have five periods of sitting and three of  kinhin, with a water break in the middle. This is a nice, quiet way to begin the day, and all are welcomed. Please submit your vaccination information to the BZC Office Manager  (bzcofficemanager@gmail.com) if you have not done so. Otherwise, bring your proof of vaccination card.
Suggested donation is $10. You can sign up by emailing the Director Gary Artim at gartim@gmail.com. He will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Other 2024 dates are:
Sep 8, Nov 24