Welcome to BZC

Message from Abbot Hozan

My recovery continues to be a bumpy road, but still a road to getting home. On April 12 I had a small heart attack during dialysis, and on the following Monday I had angioplasty for a partially blocked artery. This is a procedure I’ve had a couple other times, back in the 20th century.

I am so happy that the sangha will be embarking on another practice period beginning May 4; I would like to join online as I am able. I have complete confidence in the teaching being offered for these next six weeks, and I hope to be home by July 1. I’ve been meeting with sangha leadership for several weeks and will continue to pick up the various threads of our sangha life.


To keep up with the latest developments, visit the “Journal” section at Hozan’s Caring Bridge site: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alanhozans

Spring Practice Period (May 4th- June 16th)

2024 SPRING PRACTICE PERIOD begins with a one-day sesshin (see below) on May 4th, 5:00 AM –5:30 PM.

Please Note: the Saturday Program will begin at 6:00 during practice period. See here for schedule and attendance options.

SEEING ONE THING THROUGH is the title of Sojun Roshi’s book and our theme for this practice period. Using lectures from his book, senior students will lead our usual Practice Period activities with Saturday Dharma talks, WSM talks, a class series, and group teas.

There will also be an all Sangha Work Day and Sangha Practice Period Dinner at BZC. Practice Period will close with a 5-Day Sesshin led by a group of senior student . (See calendar for all events).

See the Practice Period Page for registration, full calendar and news.


Upcoming Sittings and Sesshins

Spring Practice Period closing sesshin June 12-16, 2024

Our 34th Spring Practice Period will close with a 5-day sesshin, Wednesday, June 12th through Sunday June 16th. The sesshin daily schedule will start at 5 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. and will include formal oryoki breakfast and lunch. The sesshin will be led by BZC senior students.

Registration for Sesshin is Closed. See the practice period page for full details