All-Sangha Meeting to Appreciate Sojun Roshi

7:00 pm 8:30 pm
Sun, Oct 25, 2020

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Sojun Roshi will step down from his position of Berkeley Zen Center Abbot in a Zoom ceremony at 3:00 Saturday, October 24th. His new position will be Founding Dharma Teacher. He will continue when possible to interact with our members, maintain his BZC office, give lectures, and join us on occasion in the zendo. He has led and taught our Sangha since 1967. As part of the Stepping Down ceremony (on Saturday, 10/24 at 3 pm, also in the online zendo) ten representatives from several Sanghas including BZC will offer appreciatory remarks to Sojun.
On this occasion, from 7:00-8:30 PM, we'll have a Zoom All Sangha meeting. The purpose of it will be to give us a chance to offer brief appreciatory remarks to Sojun also. Everyone is welcome. Because we expect many people to attend, comments will likely be limited to one minute apiece with a time keeper. Even then we may not be able to accommodate everyone. In that case other venues may be available later. We realize that consolidating all one's feelings for Sojun in one minute is impossible. There's no way! So we strongly recommend focusing on one important aspect or experience and staying just with that. It's simply the difficult limitation that will enable us to all join in.
Karen Sundheim and and Ron Nestor will manage the meeting with Karen moderating. Please join us for this heartfelt occasion.

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