Annual Women’s Retreat

8:00 am 2:00 pm
Sun, Oct 18, 2020

Our annual Women’s Retreat (via Zoom this year) will be Sunday, October 18.

The retreat will be led by Seishin Gyokuko Karen DeCotis, a transmitted priest of Sojun Roshi, who practices in Bozeman, Montana. Karen says: “The theme of the day will be: Are you and your soul separated?, drawing on the famous koan of Senjo. Women in particular often suffer the travail between service to the world and self care and knowledge. How can we embody the full range of the feminine to both honor this individual existence as well as offer ourselves to the world in fulfillment of our Bodhisattva Vow? In our time together we will experientially dive into the feminine energies of the practice, which include both wisdom and compassion, strength and softness, rigor and nurture. The retreat will offer guided and silent meditation, reflection, journaling, dialogue, stories, and shared examination of being women in practice.”

The retreat will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. We will share a virtual brown-bag lunch together.

The suggested dana for the day is $15, or whatever you can afford.

Please register to
On Friday afternoon, the sesshin schedule, a copy of the chants and the koan will be sent out to all registered participants.
Even if you are new to zen practice, this is a wonderful opportunity to experience sangha and sitting together; there will be minimal instruction for zazen and for walking meditation (kinhin).
Join us. It is a joy to gather together in this way.

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