Women's Sesshin

8:00 am 12:00 pm
Sun, Nov 19, 2023

The next Women’s Sesshin will be Sunday, November 19, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with tea and cookies following.
We are delighted to welcome Mushim (Patricia) Ikeda, a founding and core teacher at East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC). Ikeda began practice at Zen Buddhist Temple in Ann Arbor, Michigan, followed by a journey of several years through the U.S. and South Korea, visiting monasteries. After settling in Oakland and having a son, she contributed a regular column on Buddhist family practice for Turning Wheel, the publication of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. She has taught meditation retreats for people of color, social justice activists, and women, nationally, based in the values of cultural humility and co-creative self-determination in marginalized communities.  She continues to teach at EBMC.
Hannah Meara will be the doshi, and Mary Duryee will be the sesshin director. Sign-up will begin in early November and will be posted on the website. Please direct questions to Mary Duryee at maryduryee@gmail.com

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