Women's Sesshin

8:00 am 12:00 pm
Sun, Mar 6, 2022

Our annual spring women’s sesshin will be
Sunday, March 6. The schedule will be 8:00‒
12:00 and will include periods of zazen, kinhin,
a service, and the reading and discussion of a
text. The sesshin will be led by BZC women
practice leaders.
The suggested donation is $15 or whatever
amount works for you. Mail a check to the BZC
Office Manager at 1931 Russell St., Berkeley
94703, or pay through the website using the
“Sits/Classes” tab on the Donate page. Be sure
to indicate on the payment that it is for the
women’s sesshin.
For questions or to sign up, please contact
Leslie Bartholic at lbartholic@comcast.net.

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