Sesshin Open Aspects of Practice

7:50 am 5:30 pm
Sat, Sep 10, 2022

We invite you to join us for a one-day sesshin at Berkeley Zen Center on Saturday, September 10, from 7:50 AM to 5:30 PM.  This sesshin will open the Aspects of Practice study period.
1.  Deadline to sign up is Noon on Thursday, September 8.  In-person attendance will be limited to 30 people.   Slots will be given on a first-come-first-served basis.
2. The sesshin will also be offered online:  sign up with the same form as above.  In addition our regular online Saturday program will be open to the public, and will include several periods of zazen and a dharma talk.
3. For in-person sesshin attendees, proof of vaccination and booster shots are required to participate.  Lunch will be served buffet style outside in the courtyard. For work period, please bring suitable clothes to change into.
4. Gerry Oliva will serve as doshi and give the dharma talk.  Dokusan will be offered by Gerry Oliva.
5. The sesshin fee is $15.  You may pay online, or you can send a check to BZC at:
Berkeley Zen Center
1931 Russell Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
Attention:  Office Manager, Helen Cheng
Additional donations may be made at
If you have questions, please contact the Sesshin Director, Rob Lyons at

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