
2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )

Weekly Schedule

Events in January 2024

  • Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen Only

    Zendo Holiday - Informal Zazen Only

    Mon, Jan 1, 2024

    Times for informal zazen to be announced.

  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Kevin Souza

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Kevin Souza

    Fri, Jan 5, 2024

    BZC schedules a Way-Seeking Mind Talk on the First Friday afternoon of each month. The talk, followed by Q&A, begins at 5:45pm after five minutes of zazen and runs until 6:25pm. Please note, our First Friday afternoon WSM Talks are online only. The zendo is closed for in person Zazen on the First Friday of the month.


  • Sojun Roshi Annual Memorial Saturday

    Sojun Roshi Annual Memorial Saturday

    Sat, Jan 6, 2024

  • January Half-Day Sitting

    January Half-Day Sitting

    Sun, Jan 7, 2024

    Half-Day Sitting -  There will be a half-day sitting at BZC’s zendo on Sunday, January 7, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We will have five periods of sitting and kinhin, with a water break in the middle. This is a nice, quiet way to begin the day, and all are welcome.

    Zazen will be physically distanced, with a capacity of 31 people sitting in the zendo. For the present masks are optional. Please submit your vaccination information to the BZC Office Manager  ( if you have not done so. Otherwise, bring your proof of vaccination card.

    Windows will be open, so dress warmly, according to the weather. A monitor will be at the zendo door, checking the list of vaccination-registered members. Please note that should we experience another wave of Covid, any or all of these protocols will be revised.

    Suggested donation is $10.

    Sign up by emailing the Director Gary Artim at

  • Dharma Talk: Judy Fleischman

    Dharma Talk: Judy Fleischman

    Sat, Jan 13, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15


  • Zendo Holiday

    Zendo Holiday

    All day
    Mon, Jan 15, 2024


    (except for MLK Program: 8:30‒11:30am)

    MLK Day Neighborhood Engagement

    MLK Day Neighborhood Engagement

    Mon, Jan 15, 2024

    On Monday, January 15, BZC will
    commemorate the Martin Luther King, Jr
    holiday with an 8:30‒11:30 morning of zazen,
    reflection, and neighborhood service. The
    day’s program is still under development, but
    our tentative schedule is:
    • 8:30‒ 9:00 am — Zazen
    • 9:00‒10:00 — Reading the words of Dr.
    King and discussion based on his teachings
    and those of other teachers of equity and
    • 10:00 — National Karma Repentance
    Ceremony, based on the Bodhisattva
    Ceremony. There will be an option to include
    personal repentance.
    • 10:30 — Participants gather for
    neighborhood work: cleaning up the traffic
    barrier area on Milvia, and making bag lunches
    for our unhoused neighbors.
    • 11:15 — Reconvene at BZC for a closing

  • One-day Sesshin

    One-day Sesshin

    Sat, Jan 20, 2024

    A one-day sesshin on Saturday, January 20, 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  led by David Rutschman.

    Suggested donation is $35.

    Two Oryoki style meals will be served.

    You can sign up at the link below:

    Dharma Talk: Dave Rutschman

    Dharma Talk: Dave Rutschman

    Sat, Jan 20, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15


  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Evan Vreeland

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Evan Vreeland

    Mon, Jan 22, 2024

    There will be a student talk in the online zendo right after a shorter period of zazen:

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: way-seeking mind talk

    What is a "way-seeking mind" talk?  See below.

    Way-Seeking Mind at Berkeley Zen Center

    “Way-Seeking Mind” talks by practitioners at Berkeley Zen Center have been a regular event on Monday mornings for more than thirty years. Each of us came to Zen practice as a seeker, with a spirit of inquiry. Each of us arrives at BZC from our own diverse backgrounds—social, familial, educational, religious, and so on. The idea of our way-seeking mind talks is for students to share how it is that they came to practice. Each person tells his or her own story in a unique way that often blends autobiography, spiritual biography, and the practice questions that each of us is engaged with.

    The talks are by invitation, and last about twenty-five minutes, including time for presentation and short question & answer period. For newer students, this is a chance to meet and hear those we are sitting with. Those invited to talk have been sitting steadily at BZC; for them it is an opportunity to tell their story and be seen and heard. One of the teachers or senior students is available for advice in shaping one's talk, should that be useful.

  • Dharma Talk: Mushim Ikeda

    Dharma Talk: Mushim Ikeda

    Sat, Jan 27, 2024

    Saturday Morning Schedule

    • Temple cleaning:  7:35 – 8:10 (in person)
    • Zazen:                        8:30 – 9:10
    • Service:                      9:10 – 9:30
    • Kinhin:                       9:30  – 9:40
    • Zazen:                        9:40 – 10:05
    • Kinhin/break         10:05 – 10:15
    • Lecture:                   10:15 – 11:15


  • Way Seeking Mind Talk: Blake Tolbert

    Way Seeking Mind Talk: Blake Tolbert

    Mon, Jan 29, 2024

    There will be a student talk in the online zendo right after a shorter period of zazen:

    7:30 am: zazen
    8:00 am: way-seeking mind talk

    What is a "way-seeking mind" talk?  See below.

    Way-Seeking Mind at Berkeley Zen Center

    “Way-Seeking Mind” talks by practitioners at Berkeley Zen Center have been a regular event on Monday mornings for more than thirty years. Each of us came to Zen practice as a seeker, with a spirit of inquiry. Each of us arrives at BZC from our own diverse backgrounds—social, familial, educational, religious, and so on. The idea of our way-seeking mind talks is for students to share how it is that they came to practice. Each person tells his or her own story in a unique way that often blends autobiography, spiritual biography, and the practice questions that each of us is engaged with.

    The talks are by invitation, and last about twenty-five minutes, including time for presentation and short question & answer period. For newer students, this is a chance to meet and hear those we are sitting with. Those invited to talk have been sitting steadily at BZC; for them it is an opportunity to tell their story and be seen and heard. One of the teachers or senior students is available for advice in shaping one's talk, should that be useful.