2024 BZC Calendar of Events (Updated 4.17.24 )
Thu, Apr 6, 2023
BZC invites you to a Seminar in our online Zendo, given by an experienced estate attorney, Cynthia Trutner Cynthia de Nevers Trutner – Bancroft & McAlister LLP (bamlaw.com) . Cynthia will provide information on wills, trust, and powers of attorney. This is offered as a service, with no obligations to the attorney or to BZC. In California Trusts are highly recommended as a vehicle for simplifying and reducing the costs of settling a person's estate.
A will and trust can be created by consultation with an attorney or by using information and forms available online or publications available through Nolo Press, a company located in Berkeley.
We are accepting Reservations for the Seminar. Please email Hannah Meara (hmeara@gmail.com) for more information or to reserve a spot.