Half-day Sitting
Sun, Sep 8, 2024
There will be a half-day sitting at BZC’s zendo on Sunday, September 8, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We will have five periods of sitting and three of kinhin, with a water break in the middle. This is a nice, quiet way to begin the day, and all are welcome.
Zazen will be physically distanced, with a capacity of 30 people sitting in the zendo. Windows will be open, so dress warmly, according to the weather.
Suggested donation is $10. You can sign up by emailing the Director Pete Carpentieri at petercmft@gmail.com . He will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Half-day sittings are offered every other month at BZC. The one more 2024 date left:
Nov 24