Welcome to BZC

Hozan Alan’s Condition

In late December of 2023, Abbot Hozan Alan Senauke experienced a cardiac arrest while hospitalized for complications from surgery. After spending most of January unconscious, Hozan began to wake up—first with eye contact and hand squeezes, then by gradually finding his voice again and interacting more and more fully with visitors. Now he’s beginning to consult with BZC leadership and add his voice to discussions and decisions.

Silvie, Genpo, and I are very encouraged by the progress he continues to make in his recovery. We are also deeply grateful for the many expressions of concern, and for the way the BZC community is seamlessly carrying on the practice at Russell Street, flexible and steady amidst change and uncertainty.

—Laurie Senauke

(get regular updates on Hozan here: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/alanhozansenauke/)

2024 BZC Calendar (Updated 4.17.24)

Spring Practice Period (May 4th- June 16th)

2024 Practice Period Calendar

2024 SPRING PRACTICE PERIOD begins with a one-day  sesshin (see below) on May 4th, 5:00 AM –5:30 PM.

SEEING ONE THING THROUGH is the title of Sojun Roshi’s book and our theme for this practice period. Using lectures from his book, senior students will lead our usual Practice Period activities with Saturday Dharma talks, WSM talks, a class series, and group teas. There will also be an all Sangha Work Day and Sangha Practice Period Dinner at BZC. Practice Period will close with a 5-Day Sesshin led by a group of senior student . (See calendar for all events).

Please apply here by May 1st.

In addition to the application, there will be separate sign-ups that will be sent out as time nears. It is important to sign up for individual events as those are sent out.

NEW Saturday schedule for the entire Practice Period: 
6:00-6:40 zazen
6:40-6:50 kinhin
6:50-7:20 zazen
7:20-7:40 service
7:40-8:30 oryoki breakfast
8:30-8:50 rest period
8:50-9:20 work period
9:20-9:30 clean up
9:30-10:00 zazen
10:00-10:15 kinhin
10:15 Dharma Talk
11:15 Tea &Cookies


  • Come at 6:00 and stay for the morning
  • Come at 6:00, stay through work period in order to give back to the temple
  • Come after breakfast – work period, or 9:30 zazen, and/or Dharma Talk and tea

ALL PRACTICE PERIOD SESSHINS will start at 5:00 AM, ending at 5:30 PM.

Please contact Susan Marvin, Co-Tanto (lai_hang@yahoo.com) or Ross Blum, Ino
(rossblum@icloud.com) if you have any questions or concerns.

Upcoming Sittings and Sesshins

One-Day Sesshin, May 4th

Berkeley Zen Center will open its 2024 Spring Practice Period with a one-day sesshin on May 4th, led by Carol Paul. We will be returning to our pre-pandemic start time of 5:00am and it will last until 5:30pm.
The suggested sesshin fee is $35 for in person attendees and $15 for online attendance. You can make a payment by PayPal at https://berkeleyzencenter.org/support-bzc/ or mail a check to
Berkeley Zen Center Office Manager
1931 Russell Street
Berkeley, CA 94703

In-person attendance will be limited to 33 people. If more than that sign up, they will be placed on a waiting list. There will also be an online option.

Proof of vaccination is still required. If Berkeley Zen Center does not have your records on file, please send them to bzcofficemanager@gmail.com.
Breakfast and lunch will be served in the oriyoki style. Guest bowls will be available. An oriyoki training will be offered during the second period of zazen.
Mark Copithorne will be the sesshin director. Contact him with questions at copithorne@hotmail.com or 510.703.5465.
Sign up for the May 4th one-day sesshin here: https://forms.gle/QRVb9HMtpTQw8r4eA


Half-day Sitting, May 19th

There will be a half-day sitting at BZC’s zendo on Sunday, May 19, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We will have five periods of sitting and three of kinhin, with a water break in the middle. This is a nice, quiet way to begin the day, and all are welcomed. Please submit your vaccination information to the BZC Office Manager (bzcofficemanager@gmail.com) if you have not done so. Otherwise, bring your proof of vaccination card.

Suggested donation is $10. You can sign up by emailing the Director Gary Artim at gartim@gmail.com. He will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.