An all-sangha meeting will be held in the online zendo on Sunday, September 17, at 7:00 p.m., which will include nominations for the BZC Board. Each year the sangha affirms three of its six members-at-large for two-year terms to the BZC Board. Board members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Elections take place in October and the new term starts in January 2024.
This year two of the three members whose first term is ending (Ellen Webb and Dan Jackson) will be running for a second term. Jonathan Koltz will be added to the ballot to serve beginning January 2024 (replacing Penelope Thompson). BZC members will have the opportunity to affirm all three in an online ballot process in October. (The at-large members who are in the middle of their terms are Fulani Offutt, Heather Sarantis, and Rob Walker.)
This year the ballot will also include two proposed new officers to be affirmed by sangha: Rob Lyons has been invited to be the new Vice President (current VP is Hannah Meara) and Erna Andre has been invited to be the new Treasurer (currently Laurie Senauke).
On that ballot, the members will also have the opportunity to affirm the three salaried positions at BZC: Abbot, Office Manager, and Archive and Media Assistant.
This year there will also be a small bylaw change presented to the sangha at the meeting and on the ballot, regarding the eligibility requirements for officers. Stay tuned for details!
If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the Board, please pass their name on to Ellen Webb (BZC Nominations and Elections Committee). We are always interested in potential Board members!
A great deal of care, time, and commitment has been put into the nominating process to make it as fair and unbiased as possible.
All BZC members and friends are invited to attend the sangha meeting. Please join us for this important conversation.