Election Vigil, November 5

For several past presidential election days, we have kept the zendo open all day until the polls close. We did this to support those in need of respite and support in difficult circumstances. This year, on Tuesday, November 5, we will again have a special all-day program. This will include the usual periods of 6:00 morning and 5:40 evening zazen as well as the informal noon sitting. Starting after morning zazen we will keep the zendo open for informal periods of sitting and/or walking meditation overseen by volunteer sangha members who will be hosts/timekeepers, and who can welcome anyone who attends and direct them to the restrooms, etc. We will also provide coffee and hot water for tea. Attendees can bring snacks for themselves or to share with others. There is no need to register. As we get a sense of the number of volunteers, we will send out and post a more detailed schedule. For more information, please co

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