Spring Practice Period

Our 31st annual practice period will begin with a one-day sitting on Saturday, May 11, and continue through the Shuso Ceremony on Sunday, June 23. This year Sojun Roshi has asked Hozan Sensei to lead the period. Hozan encourages BZC members to increase their commitment to practice during six weeks—while of course continuing to tend to their obligations outside the gate.

Sojun and Hozan are pleased to announce that Shiken Seigetsu (Clear Intention/Serene Moon) Carol Paul has agreed to be the Shuso this year, sharing the Abbot’s seat and setting an example for us all. Maria Winston will serve as Benji (Shuso’s attendant) for the practice period.

Hozan Sensei will offer a Thursday night class at 7:15 from May 16 to June 13, exploring two fascicles by Dogen Zenji: “Zenki” (Total Dynamic Working) and “Shoji” (Birth and Death). Materials will be available on the bulletin board shelf.

A practice period calendar is included in this newsletter. Practice period applications are on the bulletin board shelf. Please fill out one and return it to Carol Paul’s mail slot on the community room porch by Monday, May 6.

Remember that in addition to signing up for practice period and turning in a registration form, you need to sign up separately for all the individual practice period events. See the bulletin board for these signup sheets.