“After years of putting off getting my estate in order with a will and trust, I find that doing so gives me great peace of mind: peace that family members will not be burdened with trying to discern my wishes; and peace that the people and organizations that really matter to me are supported. Including a legacy gift for BZC has the heft of affirming no-birth-no-death, and the great satisfaction that this practice place will continue to be supported for years to come.” (BZC legacy donor)
As you know, Berkeley Zen Center is solely supported by our dues and donations. One of the significant ways sangha members and friends have donated is by leaving a monetary gift in their will or their trust. A gift in your will or revocable living trust, called a bequest, is a wonderful way to donate for people who love the sangha but may not wish to part with their resources today.
Remembering BZC in your estate plan helps ensure the ongoing health and well-being of our teachers, the structures at BZC, our sangha, and our practice. The BZC Board would like you to know that a number of its members, past and present, have named BZC in their wills or trusts. The Board invites all members and friends to follow this example and consider making such a bequest.
For more information about including BZC in your planned giving, contact BZC Treasurer Laurie Senauke at lauriesenauke@sonic.net.
You can also contact Laurie if you would like to let us know that you have already provided for BZC in your estate plan.