We need your help. As part of the 50th Anniversary celebration we are taking a long look back at BZC’s history to remember and share its remarkable journey from its beginnings on Dwight Way to its subsequent decades on Russell Street, with its unique blend of lay and priest sangha, residents and home-dwellers.
We plan to create a 50-years-of-memories book, and we would appreciate participation of as many people as possible. Do you have a story, photos, or reflections to share about the various aspects of practice at BZC over all these years? If you have digital versions of photos, that would be ideal, but we also can arrange to scan hard copies.
Please send texts or photos to Mary Duryee (maduryee@earthlink.net) or Andrea Thach (andrea.thach@gmail.com) or by snail mail to them at BZC.
Thank you, and see you at the party on September 30, 2017!