At this time of year we encourage all sangha members to get an annual flu shot at either your doctor’s office or local CVS or Walgreen’s pharmacy. If cost is a barrier, contact your local health department for information on when and where they provide low-cost or free vaccinations.
In an effort to support each other’s health, we are asking that sangha members stay home if they are ill. We recommend following the Centers for Disease Control’s guidelines: Please don’t come to the zendo if you have fever, cough, runny nose, muscle aches, gastro-intestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea, or anything you equate with viral illness. Please stay home and take care of yourself. You should wait to return until you have not had any of the following symptoms: sneezing, coughing, nose blowing, sore throat, or fever, for 48 hours.
If you realize you are ill after you have arrived on a Saturday or sesshin day, please let the director know and go home. Some of us are not only older, but also have medical conditions which are immune-compromising, so your awareness and self-care is important to us all. Of course, some coughs and sneezes result from allergies. If you are at all uncertain, speak with the Saturday Director or Sesshin Director or contact the Coordinator, who can refer you to a health consultant.
A copy of the BZC Wellness Policy will be posted on the bulletin board. If you have questions, please contact Gerry Oliva at